I like Belgian Wit’s and Saison’s so I figured for this brew I’d make somewhat of a hybrid between the two.
I started with a traditional Belgian Wit grain bill:
- 8 lbs Pilsner
- 2 lbs flaked oat
- 1 lb wheat malt
- 4 oz caramunich malt
I mashed in at 152ºF for 60 mins and mashed out at 170ºF for 10 mins.
The only hops in this brew were 3/4 oz of Columbus in the boil at T-60.
This was my first time using coriander seeds. The aroma released while crushing them was amazing. I added 1oz of them at T-5.
That just leaves the yeast. When Sapwood Cellars was breaking in their brew system they produced a test batch, some of which they gave to homebrewer’s. I picked up a carboy full and fermented it will Danstar’s Belle Saison Yeast. I used the slurry from that batch to ferment this brew.
The end result?

My ability to describe flavors and mouth feel is still developing, but I’ll take a stab at it. The first thing I notice is a slight Saison funk aroma followed by citrus. I’d say it’s dry with a light body. The finish to me is a bit tart with some lingering citrus. I’m left thinking dry hopping this brew would have been good idea, but I really wanted to see what coriander contributes.
Now’s it’s time to keg my Aletoberfest!