Well this year’s hop harvest will provide enough hops for at least two brews.
Harvest Ale #1 is already cold crashing. This one is basically a Wet Hop’d version of Bell’s Two Hearted. Only difference is that I hop’d in the fermenter with my Wet Cascade hops (because I had so many of them). Bell’s Two Hearted features Centennial hops exclusively. Hopefully I’ll be trying this beer by the end of the week.
Harvest Ale #2 is in whirlpool now. This is an all Cascade brew. A total of 27oz of Wet Hops went in on the hot side. Not sure if I’m going to hop this in the fermenter or not. Given the amount of hops on the hot side I’m not sure it will be necessary. However, I still have a lot of hops on the bines so who knows
Might actually brew a third Harvest Ale this year…. We’ll see..
More to come.